sara & ky
sara & ky

Life without story is meaningless. Balance is better than hustle. Take family over fortune and always choose outside over the office. Find love in the real and not in the clicked. Never stop exploring. Work to live and invest your money in adventures. Let food be your medicine and take care of the earth. If you're not paid in happiness then you are being robbed. If you are too busy to play then you are too busy. Question the dogma. Live with intention.

Be unimaginably good. 

This is the weekly story of Kyson and Sara. We're are a couple of creative kids from Idaho who are now living in the San Francisco Bay Area with our darling little boy, Theo. 

Kyson is a designer who works as a digital product designer at Rivian. Sara is a dancer and a caring mother. Aside from raising Theo at home, she teaches hip-hop dance to a handful of rambunctious eleven-year-old girls.

Sara is passionate about healthy eating, but not necessarily by choice. She ran into a few health struggles over the years that have sent her down a long journey in pursuit of feeling better. On top of that, two years ago Theo (our toddler) was diagnosed with a severe allergy to almonds and peanuts. Since then we've been doing all that we can to ensure his safety in the ways we eat. In other words, we're that weird family who won't eat anything at your party. Your food looks amazing and we wish we could though—trust us!

Kyson dreams of glassy waves, deep snow, and beautiful design. He's down for abstract philosophical discussions or debates on the meaning of life any day of the week. He grew up roaming the mountains of Idaho and Wyoming and must regularly find himself in nature or else he becomes super angsty.  

This website is a canvas to share a peek into our story. We strive to slow down, eat smart, get outside, make family a priority, and only buy what we need. 

We believe that living with intention will lead to a healthier, happier life. Thanks for following along!