Sarf Sarf Sarf

Even better than the waves tonight was the incredible sunset that showed up while I was out paddling in the cold water. The sky turned a vibrant hot pink color and dyed the sea with these deep reds and blues. I couldn't decide whether to stay out and surf or make a mad dash back for my camera. Seeing how I don't have an epic sunset surf sesh picture to share I'll let you figure out which choice I went with. Instead you now get to look at a cold-faced selfie squeezed into a tight wetsuit. Sorry. But seriously, the ocean makes me so happy.

On the drive home I was frothing from all of the waves I caught out there. I was out there the whole time completely alone. The winds were raging which probably kept most people from coming out, but man it was a fun session. I couldn't ask for a better way to close out my Saturday evening. When you are a dad, every little moment counts. I was able to get Theo in his pjs, read him a story, tuck him into bed and still make it out to snag a few good ones. (Deep happy sigh). 

Oh and on the drive home I couldn't help but stop and snap a few quick pics of Crystal Springs Reservoir. When you are high on life, everything is just incredible and must be captured. 



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Kyson Dana is a designer and humanitarian working from San Francisco, California. He specializes in web design, branding, and illustration for purpose driven companies.