Earth Day

This week I needed to do a photoshoot for Boosted in nature. Earth Day was in 24 hours and we didn't have a post ready for social media. The beautiful thing about a Boosted board is that it's electric powered and uses bamboo for the deck. It's a clean mode of transportation and it's important for the company to promote that. I had one problem though, Sara was feeling sick and so I needed to take Theo with me on the shoot.

Somehow I needed to create content, while watching a toddler, while taking photos of myself. Let's just say it was challenging. Normally he gets annoyed when I snap so many photos of him but of course this time he did everything in his power to literally be in every shot possible, and especially in ones where I asked him to sit tight and hold still. I snagged a handful of photos for Boosted but eventually gave up and defaulted to running around the woods with Theo and taking pictures of him exploring the tall redwoods. 

The Earth is so amazing though. It hurts me to see some of the harm we're causing to it. One of my greatest (if not THE greatest) desires I feel is to have my son appreciate and care for the Earth. It has so much to teach us if only we take the time to listen.


Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.


Here's the photo I created for Boosted. I was also able to create a little video of me drawing on Tesla's new touch screen in their car. I was all over that Earth Day social media game! ;) 

Thank you for all the places to ride at Mother Nature! #BoostedBoards #EarthDay #SkateElectric

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Happy Earth Day.

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Kyson Dana is a designer and humanitarian working from San Francisco, California. He specializes in web design, branding, and illustration for purpose driven companies.